Victims of serious accidents are often in a difficult position. In many cases, the seriousness of the accident isn’t readily apparent. Even when it is, the most serious injuries will put compensation very much on the back burner. Unfortunately, this can cause people to lose out on the compensation they deserve.There are two main reasons it’s worth researching compensation. First is the need to acknowledge rights. Compensation exists for a reason: to make the lives of accident victims a little easier. Many people, being ignorant of their rights, assume that their injury isn’t serious enough for a claim. The second important reason is the time limit applied to claims. While the courts will grant reasonable requests for time extensions, an extension is not guaranteed just because a person failed to realize they had a claim.
For example, imagine George, a hypothetical victim of a work accident in Manchester. He suffers an injury to his back, but keeps working. Over time, the injury gets worse and eventually he just can’t cope with the pain and quits. A friend eventually tells him about his rights to claim and he contacts personal injury solicitors in Manchester. If George is lucky, the court for personal injury claims in Manchester will grant him an extension – but his employers could successfully argue that he should have known about his right to claim beforehand.
It is vital for all accident victims to be aware of their rights in terms of accident claims, whether in Manchester or deep in the country.